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Such a nice aesthetic, absolutely love it!


The colors are awesome! And the work looks very neat.


What font do you  recommend to use from your font list?

I used High Birth for the titles. As for the other two, they will be out very soon ๐Ÿ˜‰.

I'll reply to this comment then, and update the page description with that information.


Thanks !

Hey, letting you know that Everyday Slight, one of the fonts used in these mockups is out.

Gonna grab them too xD

(1 edit)

I see High Birth used in some screenshots, and Font Fantasy would also work. Another smaller font is also used in dialogues, maybe it is Micro Chat. v3x3d has multiple nice ones that fit inside 8x8 to keep the tile resolution homogeneous, so we get to pick one we like!

Thanks v2 !