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Wiggly Wording is a 8x8 pixel art font designed with whacky wiggly looking lettering. This is a great font for dialogue, menus, and notes.

Sizes: 8, 16, 24, 32, etc.

(Supported Characters)
0123456789 !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?[]\^_`{}|~@∎



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Get this asset pack and 47 more for $29.99 USD
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$2.50 $1.25 USD or more

In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1.25 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Wiggly_Wording.ttf 77 kB
Wiggly_Wording_Monospaced.ttf 77 kB
Wiggly_Wording_Rounded.ttf 77 kB
Wiggly_Wording_Rounded_Monospaced.ttf 77 kB
Wiggly-Wording.png 4.9 kB 25 kB


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Awesome fonts! Just a quick question I got while is was evaluating them for my project: What does the 8x8 font mean? I was doing measurements on the posted example pics and I found that in this and some other of your fonts the distance from the descent and ascent is more than 8 and usually 9 (see for example the first image where between a top-most pixel from the W in wiggly and the bottom-most pixel for the G in the same word there are 9 pixels in span). With this, I mean if that I only have a place with only 8 pixels in height to draw, this (and quite other) fonts wouldn't be able to fit, right? What is what I'm understanding wrong from the 8x8 label? Thanks for your time!

For this font basically everything is roughly 7px in heigh. The decender or ascenders might go past this a touch.

8 is the factor you can scale by using the .ttf that still maintains the fonts correct visuals while increasing the size. The program I use I have found works best when using incruments of 8, 16, etc.

I should probably include information on these about ascender and descenders.

Hope that helps, cheers!

Thanks! Knowing the info about the maximum span in pixels between ascender and descenders for the whole fonts are super useful when using them on devices that divide the video memory in tiles like 8-bits consoles. Thanks for the quick reply!

Good point, I'll take time to go through these and make notes of that for each font.

I should mention, you can still use the .png file and adjust the glyph positions as needed (removing ascender and decenders for the ones that you require). Hope that helps.

Thanks for reaching out!

the unrounded variant looks unhinged i love it

I try to throw some whacky stuff in the mix!

(1 edit) (+1)

wait i just noticed i wasnt following you on itch have i been hacked or what

so cool all your fonts ... soo cool